Monday, June 30, 2014

Week 30 - This Test Thing is Work(ing)

The Numbers (as of 006/28):

PushupsCrunchesKataSparringJourney (Swim)Journey (Bike)Journey (Run)KindnessJournalVideo
Annual Totals:
Annual Targets:500005000010001000240010005212
Percent of Annual Targets Complete57.00%57.00%58.00%28.00%55.71%58.70%55.77%8.33%

Feeling good about the numbers. It was another good week for mileage even with the couple easy days taken for race prep. There are the usual suspects (sparring and videos) that need some attention. But for now I'm not going to panic, I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and try to be confident that I'll figure it out. 

The Training:

Well, I REALLY have to stop stalling and get in the pool, that's for sure. I'm slowly increasing the bike mileage so that's good. Running is running.

Still working on Naihanchi. Learning some of the applications which is cool. It brings a new perspective to the kata when you can imagine the attackers and understand the movements as they defend. Sparring is ... overwhelming most of the time. For now I'm focusing on angles, changing up the timing and not forcing things.

The clean eating is going well. But I'm just not going to skip pizza when it's ordered or chocolate after lunch. I am eating even more fruit these days. It has become the thing I crave. I don't feel I'm low on protein (which is the concern for some vegetarians) because I eat a fair bit of tofu and tons of egg whites. I will do some more reading on that.

As for brain training - I think most of it happens without my realizing it. I think this test, while it really is a struggle sometimes, is proving to have results that I don't always see. And sometimes, it's easier to keep pushing through the hard parts of things. I felt it happen...

This past Saturday, my goal for the 1/2 marathon was to stay with the 1:50 pacer, see what that pace feels like at this point in training. Miles 9 - 11 are my rough spot. That's where my brain tells me to slow down because my body hurts. It was a bit different at this race. At mile 9 I wanted to slow down but the pace group kept me going. At mile 10 I was struggling but the pace group held together. At mile 11 I thought, the tough zone is behind you, just keep up. But the pacer started creeping away from me and the little pace group we had was breaking up. By mile 12 the pacer was about 150 yards ahead of me and I thought there was no way I could keep this pace. But right after that thought, there was one that said to suck it up and move. Then someone on the course hollered 1/2 a mile to go. I let out a pitiful little groan (and maybe a small splash of colorful language). Then thought, you're practically done, keep doing what you're doing, stop wining. I saw the mile 13 marker and told my legs to kick. They wouldn't. We argued. They kicked. 

I finished at 1:50:01. And as much of that as I can attribute to the physical training, I have to give even more credit to the brain training. It's hard sometimes, it's really hard, to keep going in this test. To choose the ride over dinner with friends. To not let how tired I feel be how tired I am. It feels really, REALLY good to have those moments when it's easy to believe that it's worth it

The Challenges:

The challenges list has been pretty consistent for me through-out: Time management and keeping my head in the game/staying motivated. Now I need to put some thought into knowing how hard to push myself. Particularly with running. I want to get right up to that threshold and hang out there for a while. Even when I know I gave it my all, I still think I could have gone just a bit harder. Just a bit. Maybe that's what makes people get faster: That little bit of self-criticism, if you can own it and turn into drive. I'll be thinking on that.

Motivation: It's there
Next Event: July 27th - San Francisco Marathon

Some Humor:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week 29 - Training the Brain

The Numbers (as of 06/21/2014):

PushupsCrunchesKataSparringJourney (Swim)Journey (Bike)Journey (Run)KindnessJournalVideo
Annual Totals:
Annual Targets:500005000010001000240010005212
Percent of Annual Targets Complete55.20%55.20%56.20%27.00%53.11%56.60%53.85%8.33%

On the right track with the numbers. It was another good week for mileage as I start ramping up the bike distances. It's that sparring number that I need to focus on. I have the means to get that number up, just have to figure out how to balance the time. I'll get it sorted.

The Training:

Right about now is when I'll start increasing the mileage on my runs and rides for the

events in July and October. Hopefully I can find a rhythm quickly and easily. 

Still working with Naihanchi kata. Focusing on the details. I need to continue to revisit the areas for improvement on Seisan and Seiuchin as well. And I'm visiting the rest of the katas to prevent any yikes-I-forgot-that moments. I really enjoy kata. 

Sparring... Trying to be more conscious about changing pace and moving on the half beat more often. Need some more burst movement.

On a good track with the healthy eating and getting my diet cleaned up a bit. I love that when I have cravings it's for berries and apples. But I don't know if I'll ever decline an offer for some homemade pie. That would just be silly, right?

The Challenges:

The physical training is tiring, sure, but it's not hard. The brain training... that's hard. The hard part of this test is what it takes to keep my brain willing to decide on the work out instead of the nap. And the tired that I feel from the physical aspect is manageable, but when compounded by the tired that I feel on the intellectual level... That's where the challenge comes in. So basically, I don't think I'd be this tired physically, if I wasn't so tired mentally. What I'm finding in the struggle is that this is, among so many other things, a test of endurance

Motivation: It's there
Next Event: June 28th - Zooma Napa Valley 1/2 Marathon; July 27th - San Francisco Marathon


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Week 28 - Are We There Yet?

The Numbers (as of 06/14):

PushupsCrunchesKataSparringJourney (Swim)Journey (Bike)Journey (Run)KindnessJournalVideo
Annual Totals:
Annual Targets:500005000010001000240010005212
Percent of Annual Targets Complete53.10%53.10%54.10%26.20%50.44%54.70%51.92%8.33%

The numbers are good. Got the mileage over the 50% mark so that's good. Finally got a value in the video column. It's all about that sparring number. It needs work.

The Training

It's time to start gearing up for triathlon training. The schedule that I planned out a couple months ago will be tested come July 1st. Should be interesting :) 

Working on the details of Naihanchi right now. It's funny because this kata looks pretty simple and there's not a lot of... "wow" factor. But there is a lot going on in Naihanchi, tons of details to be aware of. I think I've underestimated the value of this kata because I've never really focused on the principles it teaches. I like the concept of locking in, need to improve on that.

Sparring is sparring. This will, I think, always feel like a weakness. I am taking more angles but am struggling to figure out how to make use of the movement

I do think I'm cleaning up my eating more. Loads of fruit, more home-cooked food and even more salad. I admit though, I'm really excited when friends do the cooking :)

The Challenges:

Lately I'm dealing with... I guess when I follow it through, it's discipline. I'm maintaining the discipline, I'm just getting a bit resentful toward it, I think. I feel like I'm always having to choose: Choose between what i need to get done and what I'd really like to do. I keep choosing need. I really want to choose like.  I choose bike ride when I want to work on my deck. I choose run on my lunch break when I want to take a nap or just go for a quiet walk. Makes me wonder if what I need is to allow myself to choose what I want

Motivation: It's there
Next Event: June 28th - Zooma Napa Valley 1/2 Marathon; July 27th - San Francisco Marathon


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Week 27 - 50% Plus a Little

The Numbers (as of 6/7):

PushupsCrunchesKataSparringJourney (Swim)Journey (Bike)Journey (Run)KindnessJournalVideo
Annual Totals:
Annual Targets:500005000010001000240010005212
Percent of Annual Targets Complete51.00%51.00%52.00%25.40%48.27%52.60%48.08%0.00%

At last, the 50+ %s that I've been waiting for. There they are, they look good there in those little blue boxes, don't you think? This week was a bit separated compared to the few before. Sort of a rest week (and by rest I mean I worked my butt off on the house instead of on the testing elements). It needed to happen :) At any rate, I really like those numbers. The tracker is a quick and easy way to assess how this is going. It's good to like what I see. It's good to know that there are areas in need of attention.

The Training:

The further into this I get, and the more things I try, the more I see how this is test is benefitting me. My conditioning is improving, my strength is improving. So sure, the physical portion of this test has clear and noticeable measures. But there are parts of this test that can't be seen on the tracker. As I push the limits of my comfort zone, I'm feeling my confidence improve. I'm feeling myself get more calm because I'm half way there. 

This test is a long process. The further I get, the more I realize that this is more a test of patience, will and emotional fortitude than it is a test of conditioning, strength or even skill. And, let me tell you, this is a process that really tests you. My motivation ebbs and flows, with that my confidence ebbs and flows. I know we track the physical stuff (because it can be tracked), and that 50,000 push ups in a year, 2,400 miles, that all seems pretty intense. And it is. But I can say, without a shred of doubt, that the hardest part of this test is the mental stuff: Staying motivated, continuously choosing to train instead of nap, the constant assessment of what I have left to do today... And that's not necessarily measurable by the tracker. Maybe it's measured by the fact that the tracker keeps filling up with numbers and notes. I just think it needs to be mentioned... 150 push ups a day is easy... IF your mind says do it. When your mind says cuddle on the couch with the pooch, 150 push ups gets a whole lot harder.

Basically, it's like this: Take all the physical stuff, imagine how tiring you think it is. Now double that and apply it to brain exhaustion. Am I making sense...? 

The Challenges:
Well, I think I covered some of this already. I'll just continue to reiterate that time management is hard. And I'll say that my dog is very cute and a great cuddler so it really is a challenge sometimes not to curl up on the couch.

Injury: Just some leftover aches from backyard renovation (phase 1 of I have no idea how many)
Number of bruises: 12
Motivation: Feel good
Next Event: June 28th - Zooma Napa Valley 1/2 Marathon; July 27th - San Francisco Marathon
