What I learned this week is that the saying, "A black belt is a white belt that never gave up," is feeling very true. I feel like a white belt this week. Like a white belt who knows some katas and gets to spar. I'm okay with that, it's not a bad feeling, it's an exhausting feeling. But I'll use it as motivation.
I say all this, because for the first time in my training, I am experiencing ... Forgetfulness? I've never had to ask for a refresher on kata until now. I'm focusing so much on Seisan that I haven't spent enough time visiting the others the way I'm used to. Well, now I know I can't do that anymore. And sparring... just SO much room for improvement there. Sometimes I feel like a pinball.
I'm okay knowing that I have a ton of hard work to do. ButI have to admit, I'm intimidated by the fact that I'm feeling it so... in my face... right now, as I test for my black belt. To combat that feeling I tell myself that, "A black belt is a white belt that never gave up," and still has lots of room on the obe for stripes. A black belt won't make me a master of anything. It will make me someone whose determination and hard work can be, in some literal and measurable way, seen.